a tiny babe, innocent and free,
was doomed to a horrible fate.
to falsify an oracle’s vision,
the babe’s siblings his father ate.
His mother frantic – out of her mind –
determined to save her own,
she gave the father a swaddling bundle
wrapped around a large stone.
left upon a mountain side,
the innocent one did rest.
when the dinner bell did call for him,
he nursed from a mother goat’s chest.
the infant grew strong and proud,
his heritage showed true.
then came the time to fulfill destiny
and turn the skies grey from blue.
he fought a battle, long and hard,
with those from whom he came.
he overthrew their cruelties
and slew them one and the same.
Recovering his siblings,
they ascended to a peak on high.
the path they followed in the stars
was a splash of goat’s milk across the sky.
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