Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Untitled Emotional Musing

looking around, a comfortable feeling settles –
the old faces and names swirl in and out of the fog
like beacons on an endless midnight ocean
that somehow managed to burn.

dancing in and out of my life, always there
just beyond my reach – just out of my sight…
a kindred spirit feeling lost and alone
not knowing which turn to take.

crossing the years and the tears,
we wound up in this space and time –
neither of us quite knowing what
our next move should be.

so, look deeply into in my eyes -
let’s get lost tonight in each other and
share those whispered secrets
we know so well one more time.

we’ve started a story whose end must not wait –
the curtains still dance with the wind and the sky
as music softens until it was only an underscoring
of the movements between our two hearts

your voice - silken threads softly whispered
in the small hours of the night into
a waiting ear and an ever trembling heart –
spending one more night alone.

how can that be when you were just here –
your fingertips just caressing my face as
your words play my heart like an aria.

so please tell me - when will our eyes meet?
when can finally i touch you?
when will this strong yearning end?
everything inside of me is wanting you and needing you

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